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2014 is Here, What Will Your Business Accomplish?

target-iconJust like setting new year’s resolutions for yourself, January is the time to set business goals for 2014 and ask yourself, “Where do I envision my business at this time next year?”.

Here are some goals we think you might want to consider:

Goal 1. Get your backups in order
Maybe you think your data is being backed up, but what about all of those tablets and laptops out in the field? Are they getting backed up too? And how about your data, is it getting properly backed up to the cloud? Do you have a strategy in place if a disaster hits?
Get started on Backup & Cloud Disaster Recovery.

Goal 2. Move to the cloud
Are you still emailing files back and forth? Do you go computer to computer installing software and performing updates? There’s a better way. Whether it’s virtualizing your desktops or migrating to Office 365, we have powerful tools that can help your business go farther faster, and cheaper.
We can help you move to the cloud.

Goal 3. Planning for the future
Do you have all of the technology you need in place to reach your business goals in 2014 and beyond? Will you need equipment or software upgrades in the near future? Is your team expanding or contracting? When you work with INFINIT we can help you see your blind spots and put solutions in place that will last you for the long haul. Our solutions eliminate the need for bulky and expensive investments, while moving your business forward.
Let’s talk about the future.

Happy 2014!

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