Introduction To Cloud Computing Report

5 Critical Facts You Must Know Before Moving To The Cloud

Cloud computing is gives you the flexibility, reliability and security to ensure your business flourishes – and it is not hard, read this report for an explanation.

In this report I’m going to talk about 5 very important facts you need to know before you consider cloud computing for your company. These include:

  1. The pros AND cons you need to consider before moving to the cloud.
  2. Migration GOTCHAS (and how to avoid them).
  3. The various types of cloud computing options you have (there are more than just one).
  4. Answers to important, frequently asked questions you need to know the answers to.
  5. What questions you need to ask your IT pro before letting them “sell” you on moving all or part of your network and applications to the cloud.

I’ve also included some customer comments from other businesses that have moved to cloud computing, with IT Genie.

At the end of this report there is an invitation for you to request a Free Cloud Readiness Assessment to determine if cloud computing is right for your particular business. I encourage you to take advantage of this before making any decisions since we’ve designed it to take a hard look at the functionality and costs for you as a business and provide you with the specific information you need (not hype) to make a good decision about this new technology.

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