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Upgrade OneDrive for Business – Next Generation Sync Client

Next Generation Sync Client for Windows and Mac

After a successful preview program, we are happy to report that the OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client is now available for deployment. Our top priorities for this release were improved reliability and performance, as well as delivering core capabilities such as selective sync, support for large files up to 10 GB in size and removing the 20,000 file sync limit. For IT Professionals, we’ve provided the ability to silently deploy and configure the client on behalf of your end users. The OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client is available for Windows 7, 8 and 10 (8.1 support will be added in the first quarter of 2016) and Mac OS X 10.9 and above.

With this first release, the Next Generation Sync Client supports OneDrive for Business only, but we will add support for SharePoint document libraries in future releases. In the interim, if customers require sync for both OneDrive for Business and SharePoint document libraries, the Next Generation Sync Client is designed to work side-by-side with the existing sync client.

Additionally, we are actively working on other important features including Office integration to support the co-authoring of documents and sharing scenarios (planned for the second quarter of 2016), as well as a more seamless experience for users who are migrating from the existing sync client (planned for the first quarter of 2016). Go here to learn more and get started.

Jeff Teper, corporate vice president for OneDrive and SharePoint. | Original Post

Setup Guidance

We have full step-by-step guidance for IT administrators to deploy the OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client to your organisation. This IT deployment guide is available for both Windows and Mac OS X.

For users who want to set up the Next Generation Sync Client on their own, there are setup guides for Windows and Mac OS X.

System Requirements

  • Windows 10, Windows 8, or Windows 7
  • Mac OS X 10.9 and above

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